

My dog Maggie is 11 years old, blind, and almost deaf. She's trying to get used to her new surroundings at the Blue House. Today, I couldn't find her and totally freaked out! She got out of our gate and wandered off. I looked all over our property several times but, couldn't go far because of Gareth. While he took his nap, I went out once again to try to find her. It's almost useless to call for her since she can barely hear. Right before I went out to look for her for the fourth time, I asked for help in finding her. As I went outside, I seemed to know right where to go. Two houses down, in the backyard with a cow pasture, I saw her bushy tail go around the house. I took off running after her calling her. She never turned around. When I finally got to her I touched her and she immediately wagged her tail and rubbed up against me. I didn't have a leash but, she followed me home and seemed to be just as relieved as I was to get inside the house.

I thought about how amazing dogs are, to know someone immediately by a light touch and of course by the smell. Maggie seems to just know my presence and trusts me with her life. If only we (humans) would use our instincts, our intuition, and our hearts to trust others. To follow the path home on blind faith.....knowing that each step will bring you closer...... and knowing that you're being guided by love.

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