I'm realizing more and more during this age of technology (just cell phones and the computer for me) that we really don't take time to clear our heads and our schedules to just go within and listen to what's going on inside of US. We sure know what's going on in the rest of world via CNN 24/7, FaceBook, MySpace, text messages, emails, and whatever else we're in tune with. Before I immersed myself in technology (mainly the '80's) I took a lot more time to read, think, and reflect. I meditated, prayed, and wrote poetry and songs. I sewed and made crafts!! I played my guitar and piano. I don't do half of these things anymore and I blame it on technology. We're lured into the traps of "going places" (cyberly speaking) with the push of a button. We read about other people's thoughts, lives, and ideas.
I wonder what I would do if all of these things were taken away from me for about a month. What would I do with my time? I hope that I would find "me" again and get to know myself like I used to. I certainly reflected what was in my heart and my head through my songs and poetry. I meditated and talked to God. I listened to my albums, cassette tapes, and later, CDs. I was inspired by the lyrics of songs and books that I would stay up all night to read.
Yes, my life is so different now. I've lived in many places, met tons of people, and have friends all over the world. I've taken 100's of classes and become knowledgeable in a whole lot of stuff!! But, I know all this stuff and all these people and don't really know me anymore. I mean, I do know me but, I'm not listening to the engine that makes me run. I'm sure it has some clicks and knocks and spewing going on. And just like our automobiles, I know I need a periodic tune up, check up, and pick up to keep me running on all four cylinders.
I know that by indulging myself into these quiet and meditative practices, I will feel more complete, happy, and inspired. So, if you see more posts on this blog in the future than of late, you'll know that I took more time to find out what's going on in the life and mind and heart of Jenny.

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